Online registration is now closed. Onsite registration is available.
Registration Opens: 29th May 2019
Early Registration Deadline: 21st June 2019
Conference Registration Fees:
Early Bird Rates (until 21st June 2019)
Non-members €595
Student Member €250
Student Non-Member €295
Regular Rates (from 22nd June 2019)
Non-members €695
Student Member €300
Student Non-Member €350
The registration fee includes:
Admission to all sessions and the exhibition
Conference materials
Tea, coffee and lunches throughout the conference
Admission to the Welcome Reception on 20th August 2019 at All Hallows College
Please note that the Conference Gala Dinner on Wednesday is not included in the registration fee.
Workshop and Tutorial Registration fees
Registration for the Workshops and Tutorials can be done through the conference registration link above. If you wish to only attend a Workshop or Tutorial then please select "I cannot attend the conference days" to bypass the conference registration section and book only a workshop or tutorial.
Visa Letters:
Delegates requiring a Visa letter/invitation letter can email the request to
Please note that visa letters will only be provided for delegates who have paid for their registration in full.