2019 General Assembly of the
European Association for Machine Translation
Machine Translation Summit XVII, The Theatre, The Helix,
Dublin 9, Ireland
Friday, August 23, 2019, 13:30–14:30
1. Welcome
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Executive Committee Reports
a. Approval of the President's report
b. Approval of the Secretary's report
c. Approval of the Treasurer's report 1
4. Approval of the Auditor’s report
5. Election or ratification of the Auditor
6. IAMT update
7. Reports from initiatives funded by the EAMT in 2018
8. Approval of membership fees for 2019
9. Election of officers to the Executive Committee
10. Ratification of co-opted members of the Executive Committee
11. Main initiatives for 2019 and 2020
12. Any other business
Note: According to the articles of our Association, members can be “represented by proxies bearing written powers”. If you cannot attend the General Assembly but would like to be represented by a member that will be present, make sure they have your authorization in writing. You can fill the following out or use it as a template.
I, _____________________________________________________, current member of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), will be represented by _________________________________________________, also a current member of the EAMT at the General Assembly that will convene on August 23, 2019 in Dublin, Ireland.
Place and date:
1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qNDBcQrVyX18LsU4rs9prsZ_aiqdvFhy/view