2019 General Assembly of the
International Association for Machine Translation
Machine Translation Summit XVII, The Theatre, The Helix,
Dublin 9, Ireland
Friday, August 23, 2019, 14:30–15:00
1. Welcome
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. IAMT Council Reports
a. Approval of the President's report
b. Approval of the Secretary's report
c. Approval of the Treasurer's report (https://v.gd/Pay03T)
4. AMTA request of a loan from IAMT to host AMTA 2020 (https://v.gd/7Mee8o)
5. Ratification of new by-laws (old by-laws: http://www.eamt.org/legal/bylaws.php; new by-laws, with changes commented: https://v.gd/59DzKC)
6. Election or ratification of the new IAMT Executive Committee
7. Machine Translation Summit 2021 in the Americas
8. Other Initiatives for 2019–2021
9. Any other business
Note: According to the bylaws of our Association, members can be “represented by proxies bearing written powers”. If you cannot attend the General Assembly but would like to be represented by a member that will be present, make sure they have your authorization in writing. You can fill the following out or use it as a template.
I, _____________________________________________________, current member of the International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT), will be represented by _________________________________________________, also a current member of the EAMT/AMTA/AAMT at the General Assembly that will convene on August 23, 2019 in Dublin, Ireland.
Place and date: