Instructions for Presenters

Instructions for Oral Presenters


  • Laptops will be provided so there is no need to bring personal devices.

  • Video files should be in .mp4 format and embedded in the presentation.

  • Once you have your presentation finalised (PDF/Powerpoint 16.9), please submit to by Friday 16th August. Please label your presentation with your full name and the day you will be presenting.  Please bring a backup of your presentation with you saved on a USB memory device.  If you do not have your presentation finalised by the 16th August please bring it with you to the conference on a USB memory device and submit it to the AV technician in the Presenter Room. The Presenter Room will be in Dressing Room 1 in the Theatre on the Ground Level.

  • All presenters are requested to check in with the AV technician in the Presenter Room to ensure your presentation is loading and all slides are appearing properly at least 1 hour before your presentation. It is the presenters responsibility to check compatibility in good time to allow alternative methods of uploading your presentation. 

  • Please take into account that you will have a strict 20 minutes time limit to deliver your presentation, followed by a 5 minute Q&A session.


Instructions for Poster Board Presenters:


  • Posters should be prepared to 90cm wide and 120 cm length, portrait.

  • Poster boards will be located on the Level 2 foyer and all boards will be numbered.

  • Poster presenters for Wednesday 21st August, please hang your posters from 08.00 and remove by 17.30 on Wednesday evening. Failure to remove your poster on time will result it in being discarded.

  • Poster presenters for Thursday 22nd August, please hang your posters from 08.00 and remove by 17.30 on Thursday evening. Failure to remove your poster on time will result it in being discarded.

  • Poster Boaster sessions give you the opportunity to present your poster to encourage delegates to visit you. Poster Boaster sessions will take place in The Theatre.

  • Please prepare two (2) slides (PDF/Powerpoint 16:9)  and send the slides to your relevant track chair before Monday 12th August 23:59 CEST. All slides will be collated into a single PDF file and you will have 2 strictly-timed minutes. 

  • All presenters will line up in the order of the programme and have 2 minutes to present their posters, after which they will be kindly asked to leave and advance to the first slide of the next presenter.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on