Everyone entering Ireland must have a valid passport, or in the case of European Union Member States, a national identity card. Visitors are advised to check what form of ID is required by their airline carrier before travelling. Some airlines within Europe will only accept passport identification.
Visas are required by delegates travelling from some countries. We would encourage all delegates to check with their local Irish representation and also with your travel operator if your originating country requires a visa. The Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform has primary responsibility for Ireland’s immigration and visa policy. For more information on visa requirements for Ireland please see their website www.dfa.ie
Delegates who require a visa will require a letter of booking confirmation from the conference office. Once your registration has been completed and paid in full we would be delighted to issue this letter for you. Please email the conference office at , Please note that we cannot issue a letter until your registration and payment is completed in full. It is advisable that you have booked and paid for accommodation for the duration of your stay. This should be included with your visa application.
Note that VISA applications can take 6+ weeks for Ireland. We would encourage all delegates to ensure that you have left ample time.
Do I need a visa?
Please consult with the relevant Irish Embassy/Consulate/Visa Office or visit the official government website: dfa.ie/home
How do I apply for a visa?
You can apply using the online AVATS process by clicking this link visas.inis.gov.ie
Before beginning the online process you should have the following information to hand:
Passport and details of any previous passports – number, date of issue/expiry
Details of any previous Irish visa applications
Contact details for your host in Ireland & itinerary
Following submission of your online application using AVATS, note that you will also be required to submit a signed summary of your application form, original passport, passport-sized colour photograph, the relevant fee, and all supporting documents, to the relevant Irish Embassy/Consulate/Visa Office per your application procedures.
When you complete AVATS there will be a website shown on the printed summary of your application form for details of the appropriate office, the fee payable, and the method of payment accepted. Please ensure that you read the visa information contained on the website www.inis.gov.ie and their provided Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS).